On September 10, Valery Kaminsky, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, turned 76.
Without exaggeration, the whole life of Valery Kaminsky is inextricably linked with NIIGA – VNIIOkeangeologiya. After graduating fr om the Geological Faculty of Leningrad State University in 1970 with a degree in geologist-geophysicist, Valery Kaminsky joined the Research Institute of Arctic Geology (NIIGA), wh ere he passed a long, eventful and very fruitful path from a junior researcher to the director of the Institute, which he headed for the last 20 years until 2022.
During the leadership of Valery Kaminsky, in 2003, the Institute acquired the status of the main (basic) scientific organization of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in the field of geological study of the continental shelf, the World Ocean, the Arctic and Antarctica. At the same time, VNIIOkeangeologiya was named after the outstanding Soviet and Russian geologist and scientist academician Igor Gramberg.
Valery Kaminsky's scientific activity covered the field of research of the geological structure, history of development and mineral resources of the continental shelf and the World Ocean. In the period from 1970 to 1980, Valery Kaminsky developed the theoretical foundations for modeling the geophysical fields of seamounts, on the basis of which a comprehensive analysis of the magnetic and gravitational fields of various groups of seamounts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was performed, which allowed to obtain information about the internal structure and history of their migration on lithospheric plates in the ocean. From 1980 to 1990, Valery Kaminsky was engaged in the development and creation of hardware and methodological complexes for studying the geology of the bottom of the deep-sea part of the ocean. Since 1990, he has focused on work in the field of studying the geological structure and history of the Arctic Ocean. It was under his leadership that work was carried out to substantiate the outer boundary of the continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic Ocean.
Valery Kaminsky was a participant and leader of a long series of marine expeditions on the shelf and deep waters of the Arctic (1972-2007), including high-latitude air expeditions and four icebreaker voyages. Based on the results of these studies, maps of the bottom relief, magnetic and gravitational fields, the thickness of the Earth's crust and sedimentary cover were constructed.
Kaminsky is the author of 130 scientific publications, including 8 monographs. A great contribution was made by V.D. Kaminsky to the editing of a number of important geophysical and geological maps of Russia, first of all, the Geological Map of Russia and adjacent water areas on a scale of 1:2 500 000.
Valery Kaminsky was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, the Order of Honor. His achievements have been repeatedly awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, the marks «Excellent prospection of the subsoil», «Honorary Polar Explorer», «Honorary Prospector of the subsoil», the medal «Mining and Geological Service of Russia», the gold medal of the Russian Geographical Society - for organizing and leading unique complex geological and geophysical expeditions to the Central The Arctic for raising Mendeleev in 2005 and Lomonosov Ridge in 2007 with the help of icebreakers «Academician Fedorov» and «Russia», as well as for active educational work.
The staff of the FSBI «VNIIOkeangeologiya» congratulates Valery Kaminsky, beloved by all of us, on his birthday and wishes him good health, constant optimism and success in all his endeavors!
FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
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