FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology

Department of the Oil-and-gas-bearing capacityof the Arctic and the World Ocean

Department of  the Oil-and-gas-bearing capacityof the Arctic and the World Ocean

FSBI “VNIIOkeangeologia” holds the leading role in the discovery and study of hydrocarbon deposits on the Russian Arctic shelf, refinement of the quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources, the development and actualization of models for the geological structure of the Arctic shelf, the creation of tectonic maps and schemes for oil and gas geological zoning. At the current stage of exploration and development of subsoil of the continental shelf of Russia the tasks have been expanded through operational analysis and examination of the results of geological exploration work on the exploration and development of oil and gas resources on the shelf; development of the strategic planning and monitoring of licensing activities for the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosnedra.

Since 2016, FSBI “VNIIOkeangeologia” has been carrying out work on hydrocarbon topics in three areas:

  • Information and analytical support of the state geological study of subsurface resources on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the Arctic and the World Ocean in terms of the reproduction of the mineral and raw materials base on hydrocarbon raw materials.
  •    Scientific and technical support of geological exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the Arctic and the World Ocean.
  • Information and analytical support of the state system for licensing the use of subsoil resources for hydrocarbon raw materials on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and technical support of geological exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the Arctic and the World Ocean includes a wide range of case studies:

  1. Specification of quantitative assessment of oil, gas and condensate resources of the Russian Federation shelf as of 01.01.2017.

  2. Creation of a digital cartographic basis for the substantiation of oil resources in the northern part of the Western Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation.

  3. Creation of the electronic Atlas of parametric wells drilled from the state budget on the islands of the Western Arctic.

  4. Actualization of the model of the geological structure of the East Arctic shelves and adjacent deep-water areas for the substantiation of oil and gas bearing areas.

  5. Creation of an electronic Atlas of biostratigraphic data on the islands of Anjou.

  6. Construction of the updated digital model of the structural zone of Lomonosov-Novosibirsk on the basis of the newest geological-geophysical and geochemical research.

  7. Development of "Methodological recommendations for geological exploration for gas hydrates in the seas of Russia" with the purpose of geological study of subsoil and reproduction of the SME of the Russian Federation.

  8. Development and actualization of technology for carrying out on the continental shelf gas geochemical surveys in the composition of geological exploration for oil and gas.

  9. Generalization and analysis of the results of the implementation of marine seismic studies in the complex of the geological exploration for oil and gas within the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and the World Ocean.

Work on the directions is carried out in the Department of the Oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of the Arctic and the World Ocean, in the Department of Lithology and Geochemistry and in the Sector of the Methods of Marine Geological and Geophysical Research.


Department of the Oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of the Arctic and the World Ocean was formed simultaneously with the institute in 1948. Its first head was N.A. Gedroits (1948-1957), then I.S. Gramberg (1958 - 1971). The oil and gas geology department itself was established in 1971, and its manager was I.S. Gramberg (1971-1972). Then the department was headed by V.N. Sokolov (1972-1979), D.S. Sorokov (1979 - 1986), M.L. Verba (1986-1992). Almost a quarter of a century (1992 - 2016), Department of  the oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of the Arctic and the World Ocean was led by O.I. Suprunenko, who has been a scientific adviser since 2016.


The department employs 58 people, including 4 Doctors of Sciences - O.I. Suprunenko, V.L. Ivanov, M.K. Kosko, V.I. Petrova - and 18 candidates of science. Young professionals under the age of 30 years - 15 employees in the position of engineers, leading engineers, scientific and senior researchers.

 The structure of the department includes five sectors and a laboratory:

  • Sector of information support of subsoil use
  • Sector of regional and oil and gas exploration of the Barents-Kara shelf
  • Sector of regional and oil and gas exploration of the East Arctic and Far Eastern shelves
  • Sector of regional and oil and gas exploration of the East Arctic and Far Eastern shelves
  • Sector of stratigraphy
  • Non-Traditional Hydrocarbon Resources Sector
  • Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry

The Subsoil Use Information Support Sector was established as part of the Department of  the Oil-and-gas-bearing capacity of the Arctic and the World Ocean in 1994. The main task of the sector is to summarize the exploration results from all sources of funding for studying the petroleum potential of the sedimentary basins of the continental shelf of Russia, information support for strategic planning for the development of the continental shelf, providing geological expertise of licensing facilities.

The main purpose of  the Sector products is to satisfy the needs of the Russian government bodies (primarily the central office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosnedra) in geological, scientific, analytical and scientific-methodological information related to the geological study of the continental shelf, inland waters and the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

The following tasks are assigned to the sector

  • Monitoring of geological and geophysical studies of Russia's continental shelf on hydrocarbon raw materials;
  • Accounting for licensing facilities on the Russian shelf, maintenance of the geoinformation monitoring system "Licensing status of resource facilities on Russian shelf";
  • Analysis of the spatial distribution of the plots claimed for use with respect to valid licenses;
  • Analysis and summarization of the results of activities on subsoil use based on the fulfilled license obligations;
  • Maintenance of databases and analysis of the state of prospective resources, reserves and production of hydrocarbons from the continental shelf of the Russian Federation.

To solve these tasks, the Information and Analytical System "Oil and gas bearing capacity of the Russian shelf" has been created and is constantly developing.

The sector of regional and oil and gas exploration of the Barents-Kara shelf carries out thematic works and studies:

  • refinement of the quantitative assessment of oil, gas and condensate resources of the Russian Federation shelf.
  • creation of a digital cartographic basis for substantiating the oil resources of the northern part of the Western Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation.
  • creation of an electronic Atlas of parametric wells drilled on the islands of the Western Arctic.

In addition to research on government assignments in the sector, work is carried out under contracts with Rosgeologiya and subsoil users.

In the sector of regional and oil and gas exploration of the East Arctic and Far Eastern Shelfs, case studies are being carried out:

  • actualization of the model of the geological structure of the East Arctic shelves and adjacent deep-sea regions for the substantiation of oil and gas bearing areas.
  • creation of the actualized digital model of the Lomonosov-Novosibirsk structural zone on the basis of the newest geological-geophysical and geochemical research.

In the stratigraphy sector, paleontological studies are carried out on the material of parametric wells in the Barents and Kara seas, as well as the creation of an electronic Atlas of biostratigraphic data on the islands of Anjou.

Studies of gas hydrates are conducted in the Sector of unconventional hydrocarbon resources.

At the Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, work is under way to study the dispersed organic matter (DOM) of sedimentary deposits and its indicator functions in the processes of sedimentation, diagenesis, and naftidogenesis.

In recent years, significant results have been obtained on the study of DOM in the Late Cenozoic complex of sedimentary deposits of the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean (Central Arctic uplifts) in order to develop the foundations of molecular stratigraphy for solving oil search, ecological tasks and paleoreconstructions.

As a result of the studies, lithological-facies characteristics of the organo-geochemical background of the Late Quaternary sediments of the Laptev Sea shelf were determined. The leading role of terrigenous material in the formation of a loose sedimentary cover of the continental slope of the Laptev Sea and the adjacent deep-sea part of the Arctic Ocean up to the zone of the North Pole is shown.
