The 10th anniversary conference "Relief and Quaternary Formations of the Arctic, Subarctic and Northwestern Russia" was held in St. Petersburg from December 14 to 15, 2023. The conference was traditionally organized by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institutes and VNIIOkeangeologiya.
More than 50 scientific reports on the results of field work in the Arctic, Subarctic and Northwestern Russia over the past year were presented at the conference. Scientists from leading Russian geological institutes from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Vladivostok, Magadan, Tiksi, Apatity, summed up the results of the expedition research from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka. Most of the presentations were devoted to Arctic and Subarctic research, including work carried out in the waters of the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, the continental shelf and coastal territories.
"The study of the relief and quaternary deposits of the North is extremely relevant in connection with the active development of the Arctic spaces along the route of the Northern Sea Route, intensive economic activity on the continental shelf, the discovery of new oil and gas fields. The climatic changes of recent decades, significant warming, melting of permafrost, and the retreat of the shores of the northern seas have become those modern challenges that require the active participation of scientists in discussing the problems and prospects for the development of the Arctic zone. Russian scientists use new technical means and equipment in their research, which makes it possible to decipher the history of the Arctic development over the past two million years in great detail. The annual event, held for the tenth time in St. Petersburg, attracts a large number of leading scientists, specialists, students and postgraduates of various specialties and is an important event in the scientific life of our city and the country as a whole," said one of the organizers of the conference, Deputy Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIOKEANGEOLOGY" Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Evgeny Gusev.