Head of Laboratory of the Engineering geology of the bottom of the World Ocean
The Laboratory of engineering geology of the bottom of the World Ocean carries out scientific and methodological support for engineering and geological studies performed in the process of geological exploration for solid minerals in the deepwater areas of the World Ocean, including the Russian exploration areas in the Pacific (Clarion-Clipperton ore province - ferromanganese concretions, Magellanic mountains - cobalt-bearing manganese crusts) and the Atlantic (Mediterranean-Atlantic ridge-deep-sea polymetallic sulphides) oceans.
Engineering and geological research on the area of the Russian exploration area in the Atlantic Ocean at ore sites (jointly with Polar Marine Geoservice Expedition).
Engineering geological investigations in the exploration area of the Interoceanmetal CO in the Clarion-Clipperton ore province in the Pacific Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologia agreement with Interoceanmetal on scientific and technical cooperation from 2010, extension in 2015).
A study of the physico-mechanical properties of cobalt-bearing manganese crusts and substrate rocks in the Russian exploration area in the Magellanic mountains of the Pacific (jointly with "Yuzhmorgeologiya").
Engineering geological studies in the coastal-shelf zone of the Peter the Great Bay within the framework of state monitoring of mineral wealth.
Engineering and geological surveys on the shelf (offshore pipeline routes, submarine cable communication lines and licensed areas of oil and gas companies) on the basis of subcontract contractual works.
FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
190121, Saint-Petersburg, Moika Enb., 124
Phone.: +7 (812) 713-83-79
FAX: +7 (812) 714-14-70