FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia"
Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology

Chemical and Spectral Laboratory

The laboratory of spectral analysis performs the following works:
  1. Semiquantitative spectral analysis for the content of 45 elements
  2. Quantitative spectral analysis of the bottom sediments, rocks, ores and minerals 
    1. quantitative determination of microelements (Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, Mn, Ti, Zr, Sr, Ba, Mo, Sc, Y, Ga) in the silicate rocks and bottom sediments
    2. quantitative determination of precious metals (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Au) in rocks, bottom sediments, sulphide ores and bottom objects of the World  Ocean
  3. Quantitative determination of gold in the rocks, bottom sediments and ores
  4. Quantitative determination of mercury in the rocks, bottom sediments and in water
  5. Quantitative determination of the easily volatile microelements (Zn, Ag, Cd, Li, Sn, Bi, Ge, Ga, As, Pb, Tl, Sb) in the bottom sediments, rocks and sulphide ores
  6. X-ray spectral determination of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni. Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, La, Ta, W, Pb, Bi
  7. Quantitative determination of microelement composition of natural waters and suspended matters atomic absorption determination of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Cr, Ag, As) in fresh water
    1. filtration of water with the release of еру suspended and dissolved form
    2. atomic absorption determination of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Cr, Ag, As) in seawater
    3. atomic absorption determination of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni, Co, Cr, Ag, As) in suspensions
  8. Measurement of specific activity Cs137, K40,Th232, Ra226, ∑βactivity (Sr90)
  9. Investigation of the gas component in the bottom sediments and water
    1. degassing of water samples and bottom sediments by supersonic ejection
    2. study of the composition of the gas component by gas chromatography and gas mass spectrometry (hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases)
  10. Determination of the microelement content by IС method
    1. determination of concentration of the rare-earth elements (per 14 elements) in aqueous solutions
    2. determination of concentration of the rare-earth elements (for each subsequent element) in aqueous solutions
    3. determination of content of the rare-earth elements (14 elements) in the rocks
    4. determination of content of the rare-earth elements (for each subsequent element) in the rocks

The laboratory of chemical analysis performs the following works::

  • Complete silicate analysis (SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, FeO, MnO, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O, P2O5, H2O +, H2O-, CO2, PPP) of the rocks, bottom sediments and soils
  • Hydrochloric acid extracts
    - сomplete 10% hydrochloric acid extract
    - reduced 10% hydrochloric acid extract
    - complete 2,5% hydrochloric acid extract
  • Soda 5% extract
  • Aqueous extract
  • Analysis of natural fresh waters (determination of the total salt composition of fresh water)
  • Analysis of brines for the main components (K, Na, Ca, Mg, F, Cl, SO4, HCO3, CO3)
  • Chemical analysis of ferromanganese nodules for the content of SiO2, Fe2O3, MnO, CaO, MgO, TiO2, Cr2O3, P2O5, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Zr
  • Phase analysis of sulfur compounds
  • Phase analysis of iron compounds


Luneva Natalia
Luneva Natalia

Head of the laboratory of spectral analysis